But also cry with pain, and don’t tell me the film, and its legendary singer didn’t make you feel until your heart could burst.
Read MoreAngelina Jolie as Maria Callas, photographed by Pablo Larraín, used with permission
'Maria': the power of great women's stories told by extraordinary men & why I needed to watch the film again
Turns out once was not enough for the cinematic tale of Maria Callas’ last week, as told by Chilean auteur Pablo Larraín and interpreted with courage and beauty by Hollywood icon Angelina Jolie.
Read MoreA still featuring Noel Sto. Domingo from Lav Diaz' 'Season of the Devil'
Photo © Giovanni D. Onofrio
The Berlinale Diaries: Hulu's 'The Looming Tower' and a Lav Diaz virgin no more!
The 21st century version of the all-American question "where were you when JFK was assassinated?" is "what were you doing when the planes hit the World Trade Center?"
Some of us watched the towers disintegrate before our very eyes, our landscape changed forever, and it's a vision, a feeling we will carry inside our hearts for as long as we live. The smell throughout downtown Manhattan, the lines of demarcation -- complete with checkpoints -- between the northern and southern parts of the city but also the newfound sense of camaraderie we bestowed upon each other to merely get from day to day, is also what I remember from those days.
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